IMO MEPC and Shipping EU MRV Policy work

Anne-Marie follows and analyse policy work at IMO MEPC related to maritime GHG emissions. She has been doing so since 2008, including convening and facilitating the group comprising industry and NGO stakeholders, which wrote IMO MEPC65/INF3./rev.1.paper for IMarEST on ‘Goal-based approach to fuel and CO2 emissions monitoring and reporting’, and the follow up paper for IMarEST on uncertainty related to monitoring submitted to IMO MEPC68 as INF3 ‘Goal-based approach to fuel and CO2 emissions monitoring – uncertainty considerations’.


Additionally, Anne-Marie has:

  • acted as expert to IMO MEPC Expert Group on Market Based Measures and ad-hoc Secretary to the environmental impacts task group of the Expert Group;
  • co-authored with Gillian Reynolds a submission to IMO MEPC 58 ‘CO2 emissions from shipping – framework for assessment of potential market based and regulatory control options’ submitted by IMarEST to IMO MEPC 58/4/21;
  • lectured at World Maritime University on IMO Data Collection Scheme in September 2017 and 2018 (one-day workshop) and Climate change, Shipping EU MRV, IMO MEPC Market Based Measures since 2011.
  • Supported the developments in relation to the Shipping EU MRV Regulation and its Delegated and Implementing Acts as a member of European Sustainable Shipping Forum MR and VA groups. ecoreflect made several submissions which can be found here. Note ecoreflect is not a verifier or an accreditation auditor for EU MRV


EU MRV fuel monitoring diagrammatic illustrations

To help organisation implementing EU MRV the following four diagrams have been developed to illustrated the flow of data that needs to be included into a monitoring system


And also, what are the procedural requirements in EU MRV and where such procedures may typically already exist in a shipping company

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