BSI – current activities
Anne-Marie is currently:
- Chair of BSI standard committee on Conformity Assessment which is responsible for the UK input to ISO/CASCO and CEN/CLC/TC 1 and their working groups. It is also responsible for the preparation,
publication, review and revision of British Standards or other products in conformity assessment and related fields in coordination with similar CASCO and CEN activities and product
developments. Anne-Marie is additionally UK representative on CASCO “Chairman's Policy and Coordination Group"
- Member of BSI standard committee on ‘Sustainable Performance, Consumption & Production’ which is a horizontal standard committee with a number of subcommittees under its remit. It is
responsible for the preparation of British Standards and support of international standards development in the field of organizational change in sustainable development and related
- BSI expert and UK expert to International Standardisation Organisation work on greenhouse gas monitoring, reporting and verification standards since 2002. She has been actively involved
in the developments of the revision of ISO 14064 part 2 and part 3 as well as ISO 14065. She was UK expert to the development of the original versions of the standards as well as ISO 14066
ISO - past role
Anne-Marie was chair of ISO TC 207 SC1 Environmental Management Systems between 2008 and end of 2017. Her role involved planning, long term horizon awareness, chairing, influencing,
guiding and representing SC1 as well as developing thought leadership communications for the subcommittee. SC1 was awarded ISO prestigious L D Eicher Leadership Award in September 2016 which reflects
Anne-Marie’s leadership.
As part of her work in developing the ISO TC207 SC1 website Anne-Marie developed infographics and documents to
illustrated how: